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Khaya Sans

Client / Khaya's Kitchen

Role / Typeface Design, Collateral Design

Agency / Today

Year / 2022

Khaya Sans

Typeface Design

This Africa day, Khaya's Kitchen - a culinary incubator and retail production kitchen in the GQ - celebrated a little differently. For the launch of their #StartWithUmphako campaign, as well and the brand's vernacular communication, we developed Khaya Sans. 

An authentically African sans serif typeface, for a truly African brand

We began with typographic inspiration from two African icons - imbiza emnyama (black cast iron pot) and a handwriting sample from Executive Chef of Khaya's Kitchen, Khayakazi Kepe.

Khaya Sans

Inspiration & typeface construction

Hand-rendered, home made

Next, we applied the typeface to lino - lending it the hand-made feel that is synonymous with African cuisine.


The typeface represents the uniqueness of ready-to-eat indigenous food deeply rooted in preserving incasa yasekhaya (the flavour of a home-cooked meal)  

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Khaya Sans

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